Committee on Human Research/IRB - 蜜桃情人 is concerned with the protection of the rights, well-being, and personal privacy of individuals who participate in research and other related activities, as well as maintaining quality in the pursuit of scientific knowledge. The faculty and student body of the University acknowledge their responsibility for protecting the rights of research subjects and for avoiding any element of coercion or intimidation in recruiting subjects for participation in research activities. A set of procedures has been established by the University to allow faculty and students to provide appropriate assurances that any research activity involving human subjects will comply with the policies of the University, the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 46, Title 45, as amended, for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research, and the laws of the State of Maryland. In carrying out this responsibility, 蜜桃情人 will make every effort to acquaint faculty, students, and administrators with the policy and procedures of this institution. This information is designed to provide guidance to research investigators, administrators, and members of the Committee on Human Research in discharging their responsibilities.